Sri Sri Saradeswari Ashram Observes Centenary Celebration of its 4th President Mata Vandana Puri Devi

The Centenary Celebration of Mata Vandana Puri Devi, the 4th President of Sri Sri Saradeswari Ashram, was held on 6th July 2024 at Mahajati Sadan Kolkata with the August Presence of Justice Shymal Sen, Honerable Smt Sashi Panja, MIC of Govt of West Bengal, Present President of Ashram Mata Subeda Puri Devi, Senior Mataji Bhavani Ma, Prof Bandita Bhattacharya, Sri Rajesh Basu, Prof Arijit Sarkar and other eminent personalities of the Society.

Mata Vandana Puri Devi was a Great saint of the Spiritual world and disciple of Gouri Ma who was the first Lady Sanyasini of Sri Sri Ramakrishna Dev. In the memorial meeting Prof Arijit Sarkar, speaker of the Ramakrishna Movement and Assistant Professor of MCKV Institute of Engineering Liluah focussed the sacred holy life of Mata Vandana Puri Devi and the impact of Sri Saradeswari Ashram to the Society. The other speakers also delivered the remineseces of Mataji.The Senior Mataji Bhavani Ma and Manager Mataji of the Ashram handed over Vanadanapuri Memorial Award to Famous Singer Smt. Haimanti Sukla.Sri Shymal Sen and Smt Sashi Panja both pointed out the contribution of Women Empowerment by Gouri Ma and other monastic Matajis of the Ashram. Smt Sraboni Sen, famous singer performed songs and a Dance Program by Rudrani was also staged on the occassion. Sr Satinath Mukhopadhyay was the comperer of the whole Session and it has been announced that several programs will be held throughout the yer in memory of Mata Vandana Puri Devi as a part of Centenary Celebration. Devotees were happy to be witness of the entire Program.