Nataraj Nrityalaya Chinsurah, organized their highly anticipated Nataraj Nritya Mohotsav 2 at Dhandhanya Auditorium in Kolkata on 13 September. The event, directed by the talented Bharatanatyam artist Paramita Mondal, showcased the incredible talents of trained dancers from various districts of West Bengal.
This grand extravaganza was specifically designed to provide a platform for aspiring dance artists who often miss opportunities due to communication barriers in Kolkata’s vibrant arts scene. The dream of performing in a world-class theater became a reality for these artists today, as smiles radiated from every performer on the Nataraj dance hall stage.
The theme of dance presented at the event was Indian classical dance and Rabindra Nazrul dance performance. The dance was performed for 11 hours straight. Solo dances are performed by 70 dance artists and 18 group dances are performed.
In recognition of their significant contributions to the art of dance, seven esteemed dance teachers were honored with the Nrityaguru Award during the ceremony.
The event was graced by distinguished guests, including Dr. Arkdev Bhattacharya Mahashay, Utpal Kundu Mahashay, Kohinoor Sen Bharat Mahashay, Malvika Se, Dance Guru Sujatha Ramalingam, and Sayani Chakraborty. Special guests in attendance included Bidhan Chandra Das, renowned music artist Mallar Ghosh, Mallika Ghosh, retired IAS officer Arun Kumar Banerjee, and world-record artist Rabin Banerjee.
Nataraj Nritya Mohotsav 2 was a resounding success, uniting dance enthusiasts and promoting cultural diversity in the heart of Kolkata.