Kolkata’s renowned Sri Ram Narayan Singh Memorial High School celebrated its 60th anniversary with its annual concert ‘Jhankriti’ on December 7 and 8 at the Kalamandir Auditorium. After six decades of hard work and dedication, RN Singh Memorial High School is playing an important role in the field of education today. The school authority has taken great care and planning in organizing their annual concert. The first day’s program began auspiciously by invoking Ma Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, music & learning and Lord Krishna.
Cultural orientation is an important aspect of school education. Cultural training helps young minds to develop as a complete human beings. The teachers of RNS Memorial High School have encouraged all the students to participate in Jhankriti.
Through excellent performances of dance and song, students took the event to a great height.
The senior teachers of RNS group inaugurated the programmes on 7 th December and
Mrs. Usha Singh, Principal of the school inaugurated the programmes on 8th December by lighting the lamp. Mrs. Pooja Mehra, Vice Principal of the school informed students and guardians about the upcoming activities of the school and their objectives.
On the first day of the programme, the students of junior classes performed and the senior students performed on the second day. Shri Narayan Goswami, Hon’ble Member of West Bengal Legislative Assembly was present as the Chief Guest on the second day. In memory of Lata Mangeshkar, senior class students paid tribute to the late singer by performing her songs and dancing to the rhythm of the song.
Both the days were attended by parents and guests of the school management. Audience encouraged the cultural skills of the performers by putting their hands together event after the event.
Overall the students carried out the programme with gusto and efficiency. The event was smoothly co-ordinated by teachers of RNS group.