On 12th June the trailer of upcoming bengali film “Aador” was released at a cafe in Kolkata. The film is directed by Debdut Ghosh. The film is based on the well-known story “ADORINI” by eminent novelist Sri Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay. This year being the 150th birth centenary of the writer, the release of the film is being considered as a tribute to him.
The cast and crew of the film were present at the launch event. Actress Rupa Ganguly also was present as a special guest of the evening. Filmmaker Kamaleswar Mukherjee also graced the event.
The cast of the film includes Rajatava Dutta, Tulika Basu, Pradip Chakraborty, Basabdatta Chattopadhay, Biplab Bandhopadhay, Manashi Sinha, Tamal Roychowdhury, Basanti Chatterjee, Khagendra Nath Das, Monoj Ojha, Parijat Choudhury, Pandit Kumar Bose, Raja Bhattacharjee, Fayaj Alam, Piu Mukhopadhay, Allarakha Kalawant, Jotirmoy Banerjee, Tapas Roychowdhury, Sabyasachi Banerjee, Amar Nag, Apratim Sarkar, Muskan Khan. Special Appearance Sabyasachi Chakraborty and Jaymala as Aador
The film is being produced by Shreyashi Entertainment.
Drishya Creation LLP is doing the line production. Screenplay is written Debdut Ghosh and dialogue by Padmanavo Dasgupta. Pandit Tanmoy Bose has composed the music. The film is being edited by Arghya Kamal Mitra. DoP is done by Asim Bose.
‘AADOR’ is a story of a young female elephant and the plot revolves around a small village named Kharkai in Tripura. The story is based on the original story titled ‘AADORINI’ written by renowned author, Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay, a contemporary and an associate of Kabiguru Rabindra Nath Tagore.
Watch the trailer here